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  • What kind of equipment is INFRASLIMX?
    It is the latest generation well-being device, which is completely different from what has existed so far in the fitness world. It is a semi-closed cycling machine with built in infrared panels, vacuum function, aromatherapy, collagen light, ozone and oxygen therapy.
  • Who would we recommend to try InfraslimX?
    First of all everyone who would like to achieve quick results in the shortest possible time; - in body shaping, cellulite treatment and fitness level. Anybody would benefit from using the fitness bike, who is leading a busy lifestyle, enjoys good food, but have not yet found the suitable workout she/he actually enjoys.
  • Why is it so effective?
    The different technologies work very well together, enhancing individual results. The vacuum therapy helps tissues to loosen and blood vessels to expand, giving cells much more oxygen. This allows us to perform better. As performance increases, our body needs more oxygen. This excess oxygen is provided by a built-in oxygen generator, which enables us to burn significantly more calories, than any other exercises.
  • How often should one use the machine?
    For the most optimal result, 2-3 times a week. If you would like to see results really fast, it should be used 4-6 times a week.
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